Paid search metrics for PM Digital’s online retail clients in July continued to reflect positive trends for online shopping. The PM Digital Rewind Index, which measures paid search performance for online retail marketers during the prior month, shows that paid search demand was up 43% in July on a year-over-year basis. This follows a similar 44% YoY increase tracked for June. Paid search advertising spend was also up in July (51%) vs. the same month in 2009, and smaller increases were seen in clicks and conversion metrics. The only metric that hasn’t improved vs. 2009 was average order size, which slipped slightly (-2%).
July 2010 Top Sales Days (Demand): Wed 7/28, Tues 7/13, Wed 7/21
July 2010 Top Sales Days (Orders): Wed 7/14, Mon 7/19, Wed 7/28
In July, the sales metrics of demand and order volume rode four weekly peaks and dips, with each peak occurring roughly midweek. Over the holiday weekend of 7/3-7/4, sales fell sharply, as expected. Since holiday promotions for July 4th mostly impacted sales at the end of June, July was without another significant holiday to drive promotional activity, and the rest of the month exhibited a steady sales pattern with little drama. Sales demand peaked equally high on two dates, Tues 7/13 and Wed 7/28. Order volume hit its highest peak on Wed 7/14.
July 2010 Top Spend Days: Mon 7/19, Wed 7/21, Tues 7/20, Mon 7/12
The overall paid search spend pattern, as well as most of the top days for paid search spend, aligned with the top days for sales. Wed 7/28 was one exception; while spend did increase on this day, it did not increase quite as significantly as other peak days.
July Top Clicks Days: Wed 7/19, Tues 7/20, Tues 7/13
July clicks also peaked midweek. The highest peak in clicks was on Wed 7/19, which corresponded to the second highest day for order volume.
The PM Digital Rewind Monthly Index measures paid search performance for online retail marketers during the prior month. Based on aggregated and indexed performance data, the PM Digital Rewind Index provides immediate, ongoing perspective for the retail sector just a few business days after the close of a given month. The Index covers all retail categories, including merchandise and apparel.
Look for our next PM Digital Rewind Index covering August 2010 to be released in early September.